
#NewRelease (+Review) TALK BRITISH TO ME by Robin Bielman


Hi there everyone. 

Today I’ll share with you a new release by Robin Bielman, a book that’s part of the Wherever You Go Series. Maybe you saw the countdown about this book here in the blog… yes, you’re right. This post is about TALK BRITISH TO ME.

Here we go!

This book surprised me a lot and I had a great time reading it. With a first person narration, the author introduces us to Teague and Mateo, the lead characters, and let us know their dreams and fears. Teague works in a coffee shop and she’s follower of a radio show called The Dating Guy. In this show the guy, Bennet, advices about dating and relationships. His British accent is a magnet and every girl in the copy shop just stop wherever she’s doing to listen to him. Mateo was a soccer star in college, but after a lesion he had to change of profession. He helps with some charity causes but, to his parents he hasn’t a steady job. The truth is Mateo has a job, but it’s a secret. Mateo is the man behind the mysterious Bennet, the sexy voice with British accent.

When Mateo first met Teague, he was intrigued. But that intrigue quickly turned in something more. He was in love with this girl, but he had a contract with the radio station and… he have to stay single for as long as the contract lasts. After meeting Mateo, Teague started to work as assistant for a wedding planner, what she doesn’t know is that bossy woman was Mateo’s mom.

Funny moments, lots of sexual tension and humor filled the pages of this book. The characters were adorable. I enjoyed their inner dialogues and their particular brand of humor. I loved Mateo’s friends and Harper (and I hope the author would write about them in the future), their friendship and how easy to like they are. The plot wasn’t complicated and, in some points, seemed to be predictable but the author has a way to surprise you. Then, after all the problems, misunderstandings and self-sabotage, Teague and Mateo found a way to make their relationship work while they’re traveling around the world.

This is a fresh, sweet and romantic story, recommended for fans of British accent, romantic comedies and, of course, HEA.

About the book

As the Dating Guy on L.A.'s top morning show, I give the single guy's perspective on dating, love, and sex—and I give great advice. Everyone's hooking up…well, except for me. Sure, I can get any woman I want, but I've got a "no relationship" clause in my contract and the only woman I want has "relationship" written all over her. Probably stamped on her ass, too. And wouldn't I like to confirm that.
Unfortunately, she wants nothing to do with me. At all. Something about the next Ice Age might have even come up in her rebuttal. Adorable. Because she's determined to ignore what one simple kiss proved: she wants me as badly as I want her.
Everything in me is screaming to go after her, but I've got a secret that I'm fairly certain will end up with her roasting my nuts over an open fire. So, job on the line? Check. Nuts on the line? Check. Can't get her out of my head? Nail…meet coffin. 
But what a way to go…

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