
#Review Love and a Dozen Roast Potatoes by Simon Wan


One of the things about art, is that it simulates life. Every artistic expression represent real feelings and situations. Maybe that's the reason 'cause I enjoyed this book so much... because it's pure arte.

Simon Wan was an unknown author to me, and usually I go for the unknown. I enjoy the adventure, you know. The plot of this book is pretty original so, I was immediatly attracted. 

It was an emotional ride through the character's life. The high and lows of his love experiences and how it affected him, even if he didn't notice it.

The clever humour and the pop culture references were on point, and I felt related with the fixation of the main character with Star Wars, lol.

If you're looking for something light, funny and touching, this book is for you. Enjoy it.

About the book:

The strongest image from the first few years of my life is of a shining beacon of rebellion and beauty: Princess Leia. She was sassy, and she knew her way around a blaster. We're starting from the very beginning, so no hot sauce until I'm at least 16, and when I say hot sauce I mean sex. 

Such is the life of our hero as he negotiates the twin ambitions of finding the love of his life and becoming a superstar, and taking "the one" to his Mom's for her famous Sunday roast. It's a life tale of comic disasters, sex (lots of sex), relationship woes, and discovering your nakedness plastered over social media. Warm, funny, very hip, this is David Nicholls with the naughty bits on display for the world to see.

Buy Love and a dozen roast potatoes on Amazon.

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