
#Review Simon Says by Daniel Gothard


I posted this review in Spanish earlier this year, and maybe it makes no sense because this book wasn't published in that language (not yet, because I hope someday it will happen), but most things in life makes no sense, so...

I'm posting it again 'cause I started to read the book again, and I hope some of the new followers, those who read in English, can take a chance on this novel.

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I don’t remember many stories that have touched me the way 'Simon Says' did. It's a fun story that will make you think about friendship, love, relationships... but above all, about finding yourself. Among musical references and dialogues of films, Simon tries to understand how a lie put his world upside down, triggering a series of misunderstandings. 

I found myself taking notes about movies (many of which I've seen hundreds of times) and dialogues between Sean and Simon (as hilarious as deep). I even found a perfect word for when everything goes to hell: FUBAR (I invite you to read the book so you can understand, lol). 

Reading this novel is impossible not to imagine every scene like a film sequence (with its own particular soundtrack). You will laugh out loud, yes, but also reflect... and possibly discover that sometimes you do not need to say a word (to say everything).

You can find this book on Amazon and Goodreads.

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According to Goodreads, the next book by Daniel Gothard will be published next year, but you can take a look about the blurb and the cover now:

In 1992, Ben Tallis is coming to terms with the recent death of his father. His ability to cope isn’t helped by the fact he’s secretly in love with one his best friends. At least keeping a daily journal helps him make sense of events, and he believes it’s the perfect preparation for his plan to one become a successful journalist. 

In 2012, Ben has achieved his career ambition—he’s a highly respected journalist and is engaged to a hardworking and ambitious lawyer. But this seemingly "perfect" relationship is fraught with problems. Ben mentions in passing to his editor he has received an invitation to a 20 year school reunion but doesn't want to go. His editor, however, smells a great feature article and insists Ben returns home, faces his past—including his secret teenage yearning—and writes a feature on how much we change and yet in so many ways stay the same. 

As Ben reluctantly re-engages with his past, he soon comes to realize that we can never run from the truth—or who we truly are. 

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