
#NewRelease A GIRL LIKE LILAC by Victoria L. James


Hi there! Today I wanted to share with you a wonderful new release by Victoria L. James. I discovered this author in a readers group not so long ago, and ever since I read the first book with her name on it a fall in love. Victoria's books aren't just romances, they are a life-changing experience. The way she has to built the characters, pour their feelings through the pages and make you feel the way they feel is absolutely breathtaking. 

Now let's talk about her newest release, A GIRL LIKE LILAC, a YA/NA crossover romance that definitely will stole your heart. Take a look.

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The first time Toby Hunter got arrested for defending Lilac Clarke’s honor, he was only fifteen years old, but he’d loved her from behind his black-rimmed glasses for as long as he could remember.

With a desperate need to protect her from a distance, one arrest turned to two, two soon turning into three, and before Toby knew what was happening, the sleepy village of Southwold was turning against him for daring to stand up for a girl like Lilac.

Beautiful Lilac with her flowers in her hair, her camera in her hands, and her sweet, pink, sugary-lipped kisses.

They could hate him for loving her all they wanted. Toby was a boy who did what was right, not what was easy, and he was always going to grow to be the man willing to give her what she deserved.

Even if that meant losing Lilac forever.

Grab your copy:

#Free through #KindleUnlimited

Want to know what I think about this book?

This story is EVERYTHING! For real!!

After a couple cups of coffee and Kleenex boxes I’m finally ready to talk about A GIRL LIKE LILAC. I’m familiar with the author’s writing, but it’s amazing how she always surprises me with her characters. This time wasn’t different. 

When I started to read I had no idea where everything was heading. I was into a teenage girl talking about life, magic, photography... and about Toby Hunter, the boy next door. The candid approach was sweet and made me smile. And then I smiled wider when I also had the chance to be into Toby's mind because that's a wonderful place to be.

Every turn of a page in this book was exciting, and I found myself wondering what would happen next. I was totally into the book, living the story through the characters eyes, loving with them, dreaming beside them, and having my heart broken the same way they did. And you know what? It was beautiful (probably because I'm kinda masochist or something). 

Lilac and Toby’s love was made of something epic… something magical, so It’s OK to say that there’s magic in this book. A magical kind of love, that’s it. But this book isn’t a fairy-tale. But it isn’t a just tragedy either…  It’s both and more, a comedy, a drama…, just like real life. Lilac and Toby’s book was heartbreaking, but beautiful and intense and… guys, it was perfect! It’s all I can think about this book: that it’s perfect.

As you may probably know by now, I like to design teaser about my latest reads (as the one at the top of this review). Keep scrolling to see more of them.

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