


I first met this author with GOOD GIRL. When I read that book I fall in love with Lydia and Rhys, but also I was kinda curious about Payton and Vince. So now, Jana Aston just released their story, and I promise you when you read it you'll have a real GOOD TIME. Take a look!

There’s one thing you should know.
I wasn’t that drunk. I was more than sober enough to put a stop to it.
The truth is, it was my idea. I’m the one who suggested it.

I knew it was crazy, but it’s not as if I’d be the first girl to get married on a whim in Las Vegas. I wouldn’t even be the last girl to get married on a whim in Las Vegas.

So what’s my excuse? I liked him. I liked the idea that he’d be stuck with me, just for a little bit.

Because nothing good ever lasts, so you might as well have a good time while you can. 

Add it to your TBR on Goodreads | Buy it on Amazon 

This story is a real good time. Not, it's not just the title. Promise.

The rhythm, the characters and the crazy situations they get into... Everything in this book was perfect. From the moment I read Payton eavesdropping the conversation of a stranger in a coffee shop, just because she was "sampling" her life coach I knew she was going to be a lot of fun. And she was. 

I met Payton as Lydia's friend in GOOD GIRL. She was the one with the sparkling personality and the easy smile, the one to encourage Lydia to get out of her comfort zone and "live a little", until the last chapter when the author revealed something totally unexpected that made me think "When the hell happened? The author needs to write her book ASAP!" 

And the book she wrote...

GOOD TIME is hilarious, sweet and romantic in unexpected ways, but i wasn't expecting it to be any different. We're talking Payton after all. She's like that crazy friend everyone has, and reading her story was a trip. The male character, Vince, was so mysterious at the beginning that I just wanted more and more of him, so reading about him from Payton's POV was kinda addictive. I understand her need to draw his attention. That man is legiterally the best. The author set the bar pretty high for my next book boyfriend. Poor man.

Now I want to know more about Canon and his stalkerish ways, and about Lawson. Can't wait to read more about this people! <3

If you want to take a look at GOOD GIRL, you can grab one copy on Amazon. Also, you can read my review on Goodreads.

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