
#CoverReveal Love War (Battlefield of Love book 1) by Cary Hart


Title: Love War (Battlefield of Love book 1)
Author: Cary Hart
Release Date: July 20th, 2017
Cover Designer: Passion Creations by Mary Ruth
Genre: Romance Contemporary/Romantic Suspense

What happens when happily ever after isn't happy? When everything you thought you knew changes?
Obligation... Marriage
Betrayal... Freedom
Until him. Until her.
Second chances...
Until them.
Deceit... Doubt.

The past may have won the battles, but can Love win the War?

Cary Hart hails from the Midwest. A sassy, coffee drinking, sometimes sailor swearing (Shhh… don’t tell.), wine sipping, Spotify addict, lover of all things books!

When not pushing women down the stairs in the fictional world, Cary has her hands full. She is blessed to be the sports mom of two wild and crazy, spoiled kiddos, and wife to the most supportive husband (took a few years to train). In addition to working full time, she bakes cookies on the side to fund her newly found love of writing and to keep her Sephora VIB Rouge status. The addiction is real, folks!

Believe it or not, writing was never a dream for Cary. Reading was something she never enjoyed growing up. All it took was one friend, who went MIA for a weekend on a book binge, to share her passion and loan an ebook, lighting a fire inside her.  Two years, and hundreds of ebooks later, she connected with one of her favorite authors, who patiently listened to her plot ideas. Her encouragement and saying those three little words “You write it!” changed everything!

So, welcome! Hop on board, and enjoy the ride!

Spotify- Cary Hart: http://spoti.fi/2rtrYrb
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/caryhart           
Newsletter – The Pulse: http://eepurl.com/cffmYX
FB Author Page:  https://www.facebook.com/authorcaryhart/          

Cary’s SweetHarts (Closed Group):  https://www.facebook.com/groups/CarysSweetHarts/

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