
REVIEW | The WRONG Series by Jana Aston


After reading GOOD GIRL and GOOD TIME by Jana Aston, I remembered I hadn't read her Wrong series yet. A little silly if you ask, since I had the books in my kindle already. So a few days ago I started the first book (I posted about it in my IG account with a funny gif to announce it), and once I started reading I couldn't stop.

Let's start with Luke (*insert heart emoji*) and Sophie, and the book this series was named after.


I have a history of picking the wrong guy. Gay? Player? Momma’s boy? Check, check and check.

Now I can’t stop fantasizing about one of the customers at the coffee shop I work at between classes. It’s just a harmless crush, right? It’s not like I ever see this guy outside of the coffee shop. It’s not like I’m going to see him while attempting to get birth control at the student clinic. While wearing a paper gown. While sitting on an exam table. Because he’s the doctor. 

Shoot. Me.

But what if, for once, the man I’ve had the dirtiest, most scandalous fantasies about turned out to be everything but wrong?


* * *

I have a little confession to make. I may (or may not) highlighted almost the whole book because it was THAT GOOD. I loved this book! I loved Sophie, her friendship with Everly... And Luke. I loved him too. The book was sweet and sexy at the same time, but also romantic and fun. I enjoyed the author's narrative style a lot! 
I finishing reading this and wondering why did I wait so long to read these books? 

* * *

Next we have Everly's book. And it is as crazy as her. 


My childhood was perfect.

I’ve led a charmed life, and I’m not going to blow it now by picking the wrong guy.

I’ve got my sights set on my brother’s best friend.

He’s known my family for years. He’s reliable and kind and handsome. 

Sure, he’s been avoiding me since I was six. 

I’m a bit aggressive for him, maybe. 

But he’s the one… right?


* * *

I must admit I loved Everly in wrong and I was curious about her own HEA, so right after a read that book I jumped into this one. I though I was prepared for her brand of crazy, but I didn't see this development coming, lol. The author surprised me and I thank her for that. The hero in this book isn't perfect, and that's the most appealing thing about him. He was almost as crazy as Everly. Maybe more, even. And as I just said, he isn't perfect as an individual, but he was perfect for her. This book was like nothing I'd read before. It made me laugh, and cry and sigh, and I'll probably reread it anytime soon because I loved it so much. 
I can't say more because of the spoilers, but dude, you need this book in your life.

* * *
And now it's time for you to TRUST!


“Knock knock!” 
“Um… Who’s there?” 

Yeah. That was me, on my last date. Before you feel sorry for me  you should know that I was the one telling the jokes. Jokes as in  plural, because I didn’t stop with just one. Of course not.  

Hi, I’m Chloe Scott. The most awkward single girl in the city. 
But I’m going to get it together. I am.  

I’m going to learn how to date like a grown up. 
I’m going to have an orgasm not given to myself.  
I’m going to fall in love and live happily ever after.  
Right after I get out of this interrogation room. 


* * *

I'm having a hard time choosing a favorite book boyfriend from this series, but I'm positive Boyd is special. I knew him as Sophie's stepbrother in Wrong. He's a (wealthy) federal agent and recently moved into the same town as her sister to get to know her. The heroin, in the other hand, is Everly's BFF since childhood and she's a bit of a junkie of crime tv shows (I feel ya, sister). 

It's the first time I read a dual POV from this author and it was EPIC! Boyd and Chloe were fantastic. He's driven and smart, she's quirky and a little bit guarded... but every time they are close to each other the sparks fly. This story was sweeter, funnier and even more romantic, but at the same time it had the same spirit of the previous books. Maybe it was because I got to read from both character's perspective, but I think this is my favorite book in the series. I loved this book so much. I loved Chloe and Boyd story because is different, and different is cool. If you haven't read TRUST yet, give it a try.

* * *

Next time I'll be reviewing Fling, a spin-off of this series

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