


How do you date your best friend's sister? Easy. 

Step one: Pretend you want her to set you up with someone else. That will bring the two of you closer.

Step two: Go on date with lots of random women, proceed to get stupid drunk and talk about your best friend's sister, thus gaining the courage to finally make a move.

Step three: Randomly show up at her apartment and confess your love. Women love that, right?

It all seemed so simple. A fool-proof three step process that will guarantee the love of you life to fall madly in love with you. 

At least--that's what I thought was going to happen. But my attempts to win over Julia Westin backfired in more ways than I can count. The thing about Julia? She's smart--really smart--and her wicked gaze cuts through all the charm I've tried slinging her way. She's not interested in games, my gifts, or my stories. She might want me too; but she's not giving in that easy...

Grab your copy now!

My review:

I'll start this review saying that this book is awesome. But probably you got that from the rating I gave it. Now I'll tell you why is so awesome. First of all, the characters. Bram and Julia are lovable and smart, but also ridiculously funny. Bram's friends are pretty cool too. As a matter of fact, one of them has McCool as a last name, lol. The story starts with Bram's POV and quickly you realize he's not like any other male character you've read before. Yes, he's a young millionaire, cocky and swears like a sailor, but he has this sparkling personality and sense of humor that makes it hard not to like him. Bram knows how to be a friend, but also knows what he want and plans to get it. Probably his plans sound and look better in his head, but that's the hilarious part of the story... see him working hard to get the girl. After losing a bet with his friends.

Enter Julia Westin, a smart, successful and beautiful woman who developed a dating app. She's Bram's best friend's sister, but also the key to Bram paying his debt. Although Bram's debt isn't with his friends but with himself. He's been in love with Julia since the first time he lay eyes on her. Now they aren't the same kids who met in college. They both are adults... and Bram thinks is about time to get that show on the road.

Beside the characters, one of the things I loved the most about this book is how the author managed the humor around male friendships and "the rite of courtship" between Bram and Julia. The quirks of each character made this part pretty funny and special. 

My favorite parts: The bromance between Bram and his friends, how he lay his feelings through the whole book and how decided he was to succeed in his pursuit of love. Linus. And the date with dragon lady, lol.

My less favorite parts: Julia's blindness. I can't believe how unaware she was of Bram's attention. FOR 10 YEARS!! But dude, that's life for you.

Anyway... TSTDYBFS (because the title is so fucking long) is a romcom highly recommended. I know you will enjoy it so, go and grab your copy.


USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book. 

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