
#NewRelease DELUDE by Jacob Chance



By Jacob Chance
Release Date: March 2nd
Genre: Contemporary Romance

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She wasn’t part of my original plan for revenge, but one glance at her and I was entranced. I followed her for weeks, observing her habits. I’ve been in her apartment numerous times, learning anything and everything I can about her. 

She’s become an obsession and I’ll do whatever it takes to make her mine.

It’s only a matter of time before I have her where I want her... 

on her knees and at my mercy.

Soon, there will be no secrets between us.



Sobs fill the silence of the room. “Dad, leave mom alone,” I shout, pushing on his chest and shoving him back a couple of feet. Like a tenacious pit bull after a chew toy - this fucker just keeps coming.

Each time he comes back harder, finally snaking by me. Gripping her upper arm in his meaty fist, he digs his fingers deep into her skin, and uses his other arm to block me.

Cries from the pain and the fear he instills mix with the stench of alcohol emanating from his body. His other hand goes to her neck, gripping under her chin. The shriek piercing my ears is cut off when he squeezes.

Her face changes color.

Red. Then purple. Finally, heading into the blue family. Blue’s always been my favorite color, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen this exact shade before. It’s the color of sadness and the ocean of tears my mom has cried over this asshole.

Everything happens fast. Her eyes open wide and bulge as the pressure of his fingers increases.

She can’t breathe and I’m paralyzed standing behind him, watching it happen.

Transfixed with fascination, I stare. Her eyes lock on me, her love shining through the agony she’s experiencing. The terror and pleading in her eyes fades to acceptance.

She knows this time she’s going to die.

Tears flow uncontrolled down her cheeks and a sense of relief washes over me.

This is the last time he’ll ever make her cry.


My Review

After reading Jacob's previous books, I can say this book is a whole new level of awesomeness. 

I'm accostumed to the suspense and the fast pace in the narration, the action, all the feels and the emotions spilled trough the pages, we agree Jacob would have it hard to top himself this time. But otherthing about his books: He never dissapoint. 

Zack has been a constant in the previous stories. After his first appareance, he turned in this figure, like a shadow, you may say, waiting in the dark for his moment to reveal his secrets. 

Once he was the bad guy, now he's the leading character. But, is Zack the hero? 

I loved the careful way the author developed the storyline, avoiding to fall in the cliché of turning the antagonist in a good boy from overnight. Zack made bad things and he belived have reasons to do it, but we didn't kew those reasons till this book. 

In Delude we discover how his life was connected with Kyle's (Have you read Quake and Quiver? you MUST read those books now), also we discover how works his mind. He's intense, a liar and a psycothic, and now he's obssesed with Lana. She's a sweet young lady, smart and loyal with her friends, she also has a lot of secrets about her past. 

Are Lana's secrets as dangerous as Zack's? And most important, Can they survive the truth? You need to read the book to find out. The only thing I'll say is this: This book will surprise you, excite you and make you feel in love with Jacob's writing (if you weren't in love already).


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About the Author:

Jacob Chance grew up in New England and still lives there today. He’s a martial artist, a football fan, a practical joker and junk food lover. 

A writer of erotic romance, DELUDE is his latest release.

Jacob plans on writing many more sexy, suspenseful stories.

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